Welcome to Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management & Technology
Location New Delhi, Delhi 110058

Examination Center

Examinations will be conducted four times a year in February, May, August & November on Saturdays and Sundays. There will be two examinations of three-hour duration in two sessions on a day. The examinations will be in both online mode and Centre-based written mode. Examination Centres will be allotted all over India depending on the availability of specific number of students.

Ahmedabad Faridabad Lucknow Silvassa
Ajmer Goa Meerut Secunderabad
Allahabad Guntur Madurai Tiruchirapalli
Aurangabad Gwalior Mumbai Tirunelveli
Bangalore Hyderabad Muzaffarpur Tirupathi
Bareilly Indore Mysore Thiruvananthapuram
Bhillai Jaipur Nagpur Tuticorin
Bulandshahr Jalandhar Nasik Udaipur
Bhopal Jamshedpur NewDelhi Udhampur
Bhubaneswar Jammu Noida Vadodara
Chandigarh Jodhpur Patna Varanasi
Chennai Kanpur Pathankot Vishakapatnam
Coimbatore Kochi Pondicherry  
Cuttack Kolkota Pune  
Dehradun Kozhikode Raipur  

MGVIMT Employers