Welcome to Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management & Technology
Location New Delhi, Delhi 110058

Director Message

A nation’s real and sustainable growth is possible with technological advancement and development of its human resource. The role of engineers is it in the areas of construction, mechanical, electrical or software assumes so much more importance. Modern technology has made the world a level playing field. With globalization, engineers should be able to perform in a larger environment and are expected face challenges & find solutions in any given situation. Thus they have a greater scope to exhibit their skills.

The key to meet the demand for such quality engineers remains in providing holistic engineering education.

To meet these challenges, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Technology, offers the best engineering, management programmers and benchmarked with the leading educational institutions in the Country. Ever since its inception, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Technology has focused on augmenting human resource by producing world-class engineers. Today, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Technology, Alumni occupy coveted positions in reputed organizations both in India and abroad.

The change is not only dramatic but fast. In tune with these changes Mahatma Gandhi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Technology, also has been transforming itself to adapt and provide the best possible learning experience to prepare young minds to solve the complex problems of the world. I welcome each of you to this great institution. I am confident that when you walk out of the portals, you will be fully equipped change the world for better.

My best wishes will always be with you.


MGVIMT Employers